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about us
First of all welcome to our much anticipated web page.
Second we want to thank those that made it happen.
And third if you are on our web page you may be researching organizations for a loved one that my need services.
Here is some back ground about Sol Domus and how it came to be.
When I was young my cousin had a daughter with cerebral palsy and I made a commitment to myself then that I would one day be able to help take care of her. So then I thought if I became a special programs teacher that would help make my dream come true.
Well I never became that teacher but I did get to care for my cousin’s daughter for a while until they moved away.
The one thing we never dreamed of doing one day was that we would be taking care of and teaching our own special needs children! We have two sons with Fragile X Syndrome, what that means is they did not get enough protein to their X chromosome, the chromosome that determines the sex of your child. Fragile X Syndrome is a hereditary disorder and it is also the most common known cause of mental retardation known.
I encourage anyone wanting more information about FXS to please research it on line.
I have been lucky in the respect that I was fortunate enough to become a parent coordinator for our county and for our local school district, which was very helpful in raising our children.
As we were raising our sons we started to reflect on their futures and became concerned with their options. We couldn’t find a place where we could be satisfied. Each time we researched some where we came up empty in our hearts, it just wasn’t what we wanted for our sons. We wanted more; we wanted what they had at home. We wanted something from a parent’s perspective!
So with the support of each other we opened our first group home in 1997. Our first person to live in the group home? My cousin’s daughter! Our sons were not old enough or ready to leave home as of then. Along with that we weren’t sure if this is where they would want to be when the time came for them to leave home.
So from 22 years (1997) to now (2019) we have expanded to three group homes and a large day habilitation program. As you will discover through our web page we offer many services at Sol Domus.
We are considered a small organization by many but to us we are huge! We serve persons with disabilities as we would and do our own sons.
When employees are trained that is how we train them. It’s all about respect, respect, respect!!!
So are you asking yourselves “are their sons in their programs? Yes they are, after it going from an easy start having our sons at SDI to you can’t serve your sons in your program due to a Wyoming Statue, to fighting and advocating with the government so our sons can be in our program. Two of our sons reside in one of group homes and both attend the day programming

Please if you have any questions for myself or Mark do not hesitate to contact us.